ArcticWoof was born and raised in Baguio, Philippines but currently living at Perth, Australia studying Bachelor of Game Technology on an Australian University.
He learned some basic/immediate skill on Python (Disnake Bot) and C++ (Geode SDK). I also learn a lot about C Programming and Java from the classes.
Most of his life outside the internet is private and often don't share anything that isn't within the friend group in real life but on the internet, he's known for having some creativity and willing to talk and listen to his online friends
He kept himself busy by working on some small projects in different genre ranging from making a level/map of a specific game to creating a mod for a game.
Some might know him as that one decorator in the hit cube game "Geometry Dash", currently holding a creator point in the game and currently a director of a Creator Team called "Avalanche"
For any business inquires, please email me at [email protected] or for direct contact, considered messaging me through Discord.
For any personal contacts like work or just want to have a greeting, contact my personal email at [email protected]