Why do you want to know more about me, legit I'm not that interesting of a person yknow.
Here's some generic and vague answers that I question myself a lot...
If you read my FAQ before October 2022 then some answers has changed cuz they made no sense or I've changed.

Introduction about myself

So it's most likely you click my about me through my online presents well let me introduce myself for you.

My name is ArcticWoof and I do random crap on the internet to keep myself busy at all time. It can be either me drawing on my book for no apparent reason or making a quiz or creating a professional website using only HTML and of course Bootstrap CSS.

I'm a simple person and a simple minded, so I don't like anything overcomplicated for myself because I have having to do complicated things that will makes me wanna jump off a river.

I'm a very anti-social person and I don't often talk to anyone outside my friendzone. Whenever I tried to talk to anyone who is more powerful than me, I struggle to even talk to them and I just have a fear of them like declining me and or even worse, make my reputation much worse and it's already bad enough.

I like to draw, in fact I draw a lot both digitally and traditionally. Just for your interest, I can't draw any human, just animals. I just can't even bothered trying to draw any form of human although I can draw animals with human features.

I do know how to program in both HTML and Javascript as well as some Python and C++ but lately I've been doing less coding due to me having lack of any projects or motivation on this side of my hobby. I only do them either if I want to keep up to date with my programming or something that caught my interest and I want to do them.

I have a very weird addiction of writing something I think and share them without thinking and also I have a vision that I have which it occurred in November of 2021 and now it's change how I see forever. If you are wondering, not I am not blind, just how I see people physical appearances. Although this still occurs but it's becoming to fade away which is a relief but this will change the way I see people.

What is the purpose of this website? Is it really useful in terms of accessibility?

The purpose of this website is to preserve all of my work or projects I've done and add it into my personal website which where you are right now.

In terms of accessibility of my website, the only thing that is accessible is all of my archived projects that I've abandon long time ago and is kept here.

Also it's just for me to put anything I created here or promote my work or projects into this websites. Mid 2022, I got ton of traffic from this website and it was actually very cool. I will continue updating this website with new projects and things that I've made.

Why did you create this whole website in the first place?

Obviously to preserve all of my work here and also just to have a personal website as someone told me that "Everyone MUST have a website" thus I created this website for that sole purpose and I just want to have a cool looking one instead of a generic default Bootstrap or bare HTML website.

And yes if you seen my websites from 2020 and 2021 version. This is my final website and I'll be purely updating it only. Won't be making anymore personal landing page websites like this.

And of course, it makes me more professional and impress people duh.

When is your new video going to come up or are you planning to make videos again?

I don't know but maybe time will tell but I already uploading some videos on my second channel though but I promise I will upload a video, just need some ideas as well as time to do it.

Whenever I have something I want to make, I won't be making a lot of videos due to school/work and other projects or hobbies in my way. I might post more often in my second channel than my tutorial channel since it's much more stressful for me to making tutorial videos than making memes.

Don't worry I still haven't lose my motivation on making videos as I said, limitation and lack of time to make videos. You know that everyone is busy on something important instead of their own projects so you have to wait.

Where do you currently live and where do you born at?

Currently I live in an isolated capital city of Perth, Australia where It's kind of boring and very far away from the eastern cities where most of the Australia's population lives but at least it's peace of quiet and there's not a lot of natural disasters in here beside bushfires but that's easily handled.

Before I migrate to Perth in March 2013, I was born in Baguio, Philippines but moved to the northern metropolitan area of Manila in Santa Rosa then lived for few years in Taguig.

I thought I was going on a vacation in Australia but I was wrong and in fact I have to live there now and this is where I am at. I did return back to Taguig, Philippines in June 2018 for two weeks.

Do you actually like programming as a hobby or a career? Do you have any side hobbies you have passion on?

Originally I don't like programming due to it's complexity and the amount of confusion it creates when I look at the code of everything made but as I learn and develop some understand, it turns out that it can actually give people more freedom on what they like to do on their own creation and especially game development.

I still enjoy programming don't get me wrong but it's currently not my focus and mainly learning the industry of the IT workplace like generic stuff.

My other hobbies I do most often beside programming is making art and drawing. I still suck at drawing thought even I spend a whole 2 years drawing since 2020 but didn't do a lot in 2021 but then I pick it back up in early 2022 and I tried to do a 100 day challenge (Which I already failed but I don't really care at all). I also like sharing my proudest art I've made. It's also available for you to view at Drawing Gallery where I showcase them.

I do like writing random stories which I never get to finish since it's just not that good at all even the documentary I've made and the review or anything written based I just don't get to finish due to lack of inspiration.

Why are you like or should I say obsess watching an Australian kids show "Bluey"?

Well... this is a good question I must say, I just like the art style and the story and especially the lore. Although most people already debunk the lore but there's still more episode to be made on this series.

I don't actually know why I get hooked into it, I've watched it and think of my opinion of the series and lastly it's like one of the most polished and clean animation I've ever seen.

I watch it both on ABC iView or Disney+ which I need a USA VPN to access it on Disney since watching it directly to Australia doesn't work due to region lock content.

FYI, the characters are so simple and cute don't get me wrong the art style is appealing and it looks simple but really it's very complex and overdone.

Also LORE LORE LORE!!! There's so many and reason this one is such a good lore to learn and understand is how vague it is yet the lore stuff is hidden from the mainstream.

Anyway, here's a bunch of merch that I've found across my local mall. Damn these merch really spreading wildfire across Australia

Do you read or watch anything other than that or have something you enjoy like an anime or manga?

Well that's a good question to ask myself about that no one even specifically ask me that other than myself creating this website.

I enjoy reading and watching Beastars both Manga and Anime. I even enjoy watching it which my friend who has the same interests as me. Search it up or something... idk

Here's my small collection if you are interested. Planning to expand it by 2 every month since each book cost more than my whole entire childhood savings.

Might be a totally odd question but... are you a furry?

Be a judge in this question.

Contacts Info

Congrats, you made it to the bottom (or you just scroll all the way to the bottom and not bothered reading the answer but that's alright) as a reward, you get my contact info if you want to ask me more questions.

[email protected]

I don't usually check my business email that often so if you have any general emails you want to sent, sent it to my Gmail instead.

[email protected]

If you want to actually contact me in chat or online, Join my Discord and maybe I'll ask you why you want to study me... I'm not that important really...
Here's the link to my actual Discord account incase if I change identity. Also the Discord below is inactive so contact me through my other account.

Discord: ArcticWoof#6900 & Confuzzle#0330